#DUNGEON23 Week One | 08 Jan 2023
I’ve just completed the first week of #DUNGEON23, the one-room-a-day megadungeon challenge. Trying to keep it simple. I think it’s key to leave a the details for session prep if I do ever actually run this..
Playing versus DMing | 05 Jun 2021
I’ve come to the realization that I may not actually enjoy playing D&D or any other TTRPG, really. This past winter, I played in a campaign that lasted from October to January, and at no fault of the DM, I had a tough time getting ex...
Magic Item Creation in a Low-Magic World | 02 May 2021
I recently had a player in my B/X game create a Magic User for their first time. Well, not his first time, technically. Earlier him and I homebrewed a spell list based on Matt Mercer’s Dunamancy school of magic for a character he made. H...
Player-Facing Combat/Defensive Rolls | 22 Apr 2021
About two months back I came across a Dungeon Craft video on player-facing combat. In the video Dan mentions systems like MÖRK BORG that have the players make all the combat rolls. So, rather than the GM rolling for the monster’s attacks...
What D&D Looks Like to Me | 21 Apr 2021
I had a bit of an “ah-ha!” moment while reading issue one of Knock! Since I have switched from DMing modern systems, mostly 5e, to B/X and 1e, I have somewhat struggled to convey my reasons for doing so. Of course, I do not need to expla...