Tales from the Lich

Yet another tabletop rpg blog.

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Playing versus DMing

05 Jun 2021 - mr. m

I’ve come to the realization that I may not actually enjoy playing D&D or any other TTRPG, really. This past winter, I played in a campaign that lasted from October to January, and at no fault of the DM, I had a tough time getting excited about playing. And this wasn’t the first time; Every October through December I go on a hiatus from DMing. I’ve found that without having to juggle multiple thoughts and manage monsters/NPCs and everything else that goes with DMing a session, I lose interested exponentially quicker than when I’m running a session myself. I’m certainly greatful for having players willing to step up and DM from time to time, but I’m also happy that they’re enjoying themselves enough, as players, to come back, week after week, and allow me to run my game.